These ICC Profiles provided are free without charge and are solely for the benefit and use of Precision Colors clients and cistomers. The profiles are created by Precision Colors and hold their copyright and are fully legal to download and distribute amongst the user community. Any commercial redistribution must be approved by Precision Colors.
C10A Pro9500 & Pro9500MkII ICC Profiles
Profiles are created using Argyll CMS and an XRite i1Pro2 Spectrophotometer. All are very high quality profiles and the recommended Rendering Intent is Relative Colorimetric.
First check which inks you are using.

During  Summer 2015, the inkset for the Pro-9500 was significantly changed and performance was improved a very large degree. 

Before downloading ICC Profiles, check which version of the inkset you have by looking at the labels on the bottles.
The newest inkset has PC9 on the Cyan, Magenta, Photomagenta, Red and Gray colors.

Newest Improved Inkset ( Here)

Older Legacy inkset. ( Here)

Why Three Profiles for each paper?

The reason is that the standard ICC profile that 99% of users use and are provided by others assume that perfect daylight conditions are what the images will be viewed in. We know that is not always achieved.

Some advanced RIP software can accomodate the changes in light conditons and we provide this similar feature. Black and White images when viewed under tungsten or quartz lights sometimes offer a reddish cast even with the perfect D50 ICC profile.  The use of the alternate tungsten illumination profile will sometimes cure this effect. Do realize that the compensation for the different lighting is an approximate guess and can be used when the D50 is displaying strong casts in certain conditions. Only trial and error will determine which one is best used.

The use of the D50 is the normal ICC lighting condition that is normally universally used.